AUSTIN completely transformed this summer into a swimmer!! Before swim lessons he was very cautious around water - didn't trust a floatie or water wings. Dave or I would have to get in with him - he loved to jump in as long as we caught him and he didn't have to submerge his whole head. If we didn't get in the water he'd find a step to hang out on like he's doing here with these fantastic shark goggles (from way back when DJ wore them a decade ago!)

Austin warmed up to Statton (his swim instructor) who was awesome with the kids! Before the 4 weeks was up he had Austin at least jumping into the deep end, coming up on his own and paddling a couple feet over to him.

The turning point was just a few days before we left for Disneyworld when he went and swam with G-ma and G-pa over at their neighborhood pool. They kept working with him on swimming back and forth between them and slowly increasing their distance... now he's a wild-man in the water... cannon balls, flips, you name it!

Love getting a year older (Not!!)... but I do love going out to dinner with my girlfriends! They took me out to the Matador in Redmond to celebrate my 29th...
On the actual day of my birthday we were at one of DJ's baseball tournaments all day so G-ma and G-pa brought a great picnic....we set our a blanket behind the outfield, with our cooler and enjoyed the gorgeous weather.
I love how both of our little ones became water babies this summer!