DJ's 3rd season of football- 6th grade (sophomore 2009). Matt Lambert has been your coach 3 years running and such a great coach! Dad's an assistant coach 2 years running now and loves watching you play (almost as much as mom!) Position: Middle linebacker and tight-end.

Andrew scoping out the other team next to Coach Corbijn. It's your 1st year of football (3rd grade (rookie 2009). We loved watching you play this first year too - you've caught the football bug just like your brother and can't wait for next season already. Position: Quarterback

Mike Grady and DJ post-game at Issaquah High School which is being completely re-modeled.

Night before game-day ritual... of laying out the gear. The socks especially crack me up.

Future Spartan here... Austin found Andrew's old pads and DJ's old jersey. Insisted on wearing the gear to the first couple games, then realized it was a lot harder to play and walk around with this stuff on!