Happy 9th Birthday Andrew!!.. we enjoyed celebrating so much. It was one of those gorgeous fall days in Seattle that felt more like summer. We kept our fingers crossed because we had a big surprise in store for you that required some sun. You love mustangs and have been counting them every time we're on the road... you've been doing this all summer and you're up to over 200.. .not a mustang goes by that you don't say "Oooohhhhh!! look at that one!" So... it was Dad's brilliant idea to rent a convertible mustang for the day. When you walked out to "get dad's newspaper" that morning and saw it sitting on the driveway, your reaction was priceless!

Now it's time to hop in, pick up your buddies, Mitchell and Will, who helped you celebrate the big day.. we went to Sky High in Bellevue (new trampoline/dodgeball place) then you guys cruised around and came back to the house for pizza/cake.